When it comes to financial documentation, it is the case that those who opt for the SDS (student direct stream) require less paperwork. This is because they’ve already transferred funds to the bank through a GIC, and to the university for the first year of tuition. Meanwhile those who opt for the regular (non-SDS) stream have to prove that they have liquid assets to pay for the first year of tuition and living expenses. However those who opt for the SDS have to provide more paperwork for non-financial items. They need to, for example, submit paperwork around the IELTS, their medical exam (depending on their country) and their transcripts. Those who opt for the regular stream don’t have to do any of this.

Irrespective of which stream you pick, a good Cover Letter, Education Strategy, Financial Support Letter, and comprehensive Financial Documentation are key to submitting an application that will be approved. 

Check out our video for more details, or reach out to one of our strategists.